Humble Beginnings
In the year 1984, two close friends, Richard Predmore and Mark Travis (RIP), embarked on a venture that would shape the landscape of Wichita, Kansas. With a vision to provide exceptional services to their community, they set out on a remarkable journey to create Allen-Lee Screen Printing.
Over the years, their dedication and hard work, coupled with the collaborative efforts of a talented team of artists, printers, and professionals, have made Allen-Lee Screen Printing a trusted name in Wichita and its surrounding areas. Their commitment to delivering high-quality apparel and customized products extends to a diverse clientele, including businesses, churches, schools, artists, sports teams, and even local government agencies.
Our Future
In 2024, two dedicated employees have stepped up as the new owners, taking the lead from Richard and Mark.
With this fresh leadership, Allen-Lee Screen Printing is poised to continue its legacy of quality and reliability, building on its rich history while looking forward to a bright future in the heart of Kansas. Focusing on professionalism and honesty are at the core of every interaction. Our friendly approach ensurs that our customers not only receive top-tier products but also enjoy a seamless and trustworthy experience.